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塞浦路斯大学Marios Polycarpou教授应邀作学术报告

时间:2019-11-27 下午3点-5点


报告人:Marios Polycarpou 教授

主持人:谢松云 教授


Prof. Marios M. Polycarpou

President, European Control Association (EUCA)
Director, KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Cyprus


Title:Resilient Intelligent Monitoring and Control

Abstract: The emergence of interconnected cyber-physical systems and sensor/actuator networks has given rise to advanced automation applications, where a large amount of sensor data is collected and processed in order to make suitable real-time decisions and to achieve the desired control objectives. However, in situations where some components behave abnormally or become faulty, this may lead to serious degradation in performance or even to catastrophic system failures, especially due to cascaded effects of the interconnected subsystems. The objective of this presentation is to discuss some key trends in the future development of intelligent monitoring and control with emphasis on the design and analysis of resilient intelligent systems.

Brief Bio:Marios Polycarpou is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Director of the KIOS Research Center for Intelligent Systems and Networks at the University of Cyprus. He received undergraduate degrees in Computer Science and in Electrical Engineering, both from Rice University,  USA in 1987, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California, in 1989 and 1992 respectively. His teaching and research interests are in intelligent systems and networks, adaptive and cooperative control systems, computational intelligence, fault diagnosis and distributed agents. Dr. Polycarpou has published more than 350 articles in refereed journals, edited books and refereed conference proceedings, and co-authored 7 books. He is also the holder of 6 patents.

Prof. Polycarpou is the recipient of the 2016 IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award. He is a Fellow of IEEE and IFAC, and he received with his co-authors the 2014 Best Paper Award for the journal Building and Environment (Elsevier). Prof Polycarpou served as the President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (2012-2013), and as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2004-2010). He is currently the President of the European Control Association (EUCA). He has participated in more than 65 research projects/grants, funded by several agencies and industry in Europe and the United States, including the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant and the EU Teaming project. Prof. Polycarpou is a founding member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts.